our community
Ignite your path.
Immerse yourself in our vibrant student community and ignite your future path in the heart of our nation's capital and on our campus.
Shine bright.
Our campus provides the perfect environment for you to shine bright, whether you're pursuing research, growing deeper in your faith, or competing on the athletic field.
aT catholic university, you can cultivate a deep understanding of yourself, your purpose, and your potential.
Here at Catholic University we are building an elite NCAA Division III athletics program. And with 33 percent of all students competing in either varsity or club sports, you are bound to find a Cardinal athlete on campus. We may have 25 sports, but we are one team.
Campus Ministry
At Catholic University, the Gospel call to faith, hope, and love is heard loud and clear. Guided by Campus Ministry, we aim to become one community of prayer and service. Through campus worship, retreats, small groups, and mission trips, we grow in God’s image and form lifelong friendships of truth and grace.
diverse community
With the Center for Cultural Engagement fostering a vibrant atmosphere of inclusivity, our commitment to international exchange programs and study abroad, our campus beams with cultural diversity and global perspectives.
friendships for Life
With an alumni community of 100,000 strong that radiates across the nation and the globe, our bonds of friendships, faith, and academic pursuits shine brightly throughout life's journey. Once a Cardinal, always a Cardinal - joining our community means embracing a light that never fades.
In the community